IBX5980432E7F390 Gado Gado Jakarta (Gado Gado Betawi) - Indonesian Cuisines

Gado Gado Jakarta (Gado Gado Betawi)

Indonesian Cuisine - Gado-gado is believed to be a Chinese Peranakan adaptation of Pecel Jawa popular among Dutch colonialists. Based on this assumption, the dish is predicted to have existed in the beginning of the 20th century.
It is generally acknowledged that Jakarta is the birthplace of gado-gado, where it was referred to in a popular song of the 40’s-50’s called “Gado-gado Betawi”, Part of the lyric goes:

Have some gado-gado mate, from Jakarta
One package, mate, for five rupiah

This song was later made popular by singer lvo Nilakreshna. Another proof of the mass appeal of gado-gado is through a popular comedy show on the state-owned Radio Repubiik indonesia featuring Bang Mamad Tukang Sado (Mamad the horsedrawn cart guy) and Mpok Ani Tukang Gado-gado (Ani the gado-gado lady). Airing until early 1980’s, it showcases a social portrait of Jakarta natives, presented in thick Betawi accent. (the word "Betawi" refers to the tribes, customs and cultures of the indigenous people of Jakarta and its surroundings).
Indonesian Cuisines - Gado Gado Jakarta
Indonesian Cuisines - Gado Gado Jakarta
Today, gado-gado possesses a ubiquitous presence in Indonesia as a national carte du jour. Attractive in presentation and mouthwatering in taste, gado-gado makes a great appetizer.

In essence, gado-gado consists of boiled or steamed vegetables added with slices of fried tofu and tempe, as well as hard-boiied egg. Common vegetables used are cabbage, bean sprouts, long beans (V. Unguiculata), spinach, chayotes, peria (Momordica charantia), and sometimes carrots. The vegetables are coated with peanut sauce dressing, which uses either ground fried peanuts or a mixture of cashew nuts, for finishing touch, gado-gado is given a dash of kecap manis (sweet soy sauce) and fried shallot sprinkles. As a single meal, can be paired with rice cakes or plain steamed rice. 
Gado-gado Jakarta
Gado-gado Jakarta
In Jakarta, gado-gado is served at either restaurants or pushcarts. Gado-gado sold by street vendors usually use slivers of boiled corn and young jackfruit; its peanut dressing prepared using ulekan (stone mortar and pestle) a la minute based on personal orders. Meanwhile, restaurants prefer using peanut dressing that’s siready prepared ahead of time.

Gado-gado is served with shrimp crackers or emping mlinjo (crackers made from gnetum gnemon nut). Another name for the dish. as referred to by Sundanese and Javanese, is lotek.

INGREDIENTS (serves 6):
  • 150 gr long beans
  • 125 gr bean sprouts
  • 125 gr spinach/water convolvulus, use the stems and leaves
  • 100 gr cabbage, julienned
  • 150 gr cucumber, julienned
  • 250 gr potato, boiled, cut into sizes of 1 x 1 1/2 x 2 cm
  • 250 gr firm yellow tofu, fried, cut into sizes of 1 x 1 1/2 x 2 cm
  • 165 gr 3 pcs eggs, hard-boiled, cut into halves
  • 12 gr 3 tablespoons of fried shallots gr
  • 6 pcs shrimp crackers, fried
  • 30 3 sheet kaffir limes, cut into halves
  • 15-20 pcs emping (crackers made from melinjo or gnetum gnemon nuts), fried


  • 60 gr 3 pcs red chilies
  • 3 gr 3 pcs bird’s eye chilies
  • 2 gr 1 teaspoon shrimp paste, roasted
  • 1 1/2 - 2 teaspoons salt
  • 125 gr cashews, fried, ground
  • 125 gr peanuts, fried, ground
  • 15 gr 3 teaspoons palm sugar
  • 1 tablespoon tamarind juice
  • 500 cc boiled water
  • 2 tablespoons sweet soy sauce

1. Boil the long beans, bean sprouts, spinach or kangkung (water spinach) and cabbage until well cooked. Lift and drain.

2. Grind the red chilies, bird’s eye chilies, shrimp paste and salt. Add cashews and peanuts, continue grinding while adding palm sugar, tamarind juice, boiled water and sweet soy sauce. Mix well. Heat the sauce in a pan, cook until boiling. Let it cool down. Squeeze kaffir limes into the sauce, mix well.


Place the boiled vegetables and fresh cucumber on a plate. Add the boiled potatoes, fried tofu and boiled eggs. Pour seuce over the vegetables, top with fried shallots, shrimp crackers and emping.

Happy cooking and enjoy gado-gado Jakarta

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